In 2012, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II marked her 60th Diamond Jubilee.
The celebration is an important event in the history of Treetops because it all began at Treetops on 5th February 1952, when Princess Elizabeth went up the tree house a Princess and the following day came down a Queen.
Her father King George VI died that night and she ascended to the British Throne.
On 13th November 1983 during her state visit to Kenya, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth returned to Treetops and noticed the retreat of the forest. Aberdare Safari Hotels initiated “Return the Bush” program with a vision to rehabilitate 125 Ha around the Salient area of Aberdare National Park including 10 Ha around the Lodge. All Treetops guests are invited to plant a tree and in 2007 a new 1.5km
paddock was built to hold 20,000 trees.
The Queen celebrated her Golden Jubilee in 2002. Invited guests at Treetops on 12th June 2002 included Prince Edward and Sophie Rhys- Jones, the Countess of Wessex who planted a Mugumo tree in the Queens paddock to commemorate this occasion.
Events to commemorate the Queens 60th Diamond Jubilee celebration started on 28th April 2012 with the launch of Jubilee Forest a KWS led initiative that targets to rehabilitate 100Ha around Treetops to accommodate 110,000 trees. Hon Cecilly Mbarire assistant Minister for Tourism graced the occasion and also officially relaunched Treetops after refurbishment. Kenya Tourist Board (KTB) also in attendance donated Ksh 250,000/
towards the Jubilee forest.
The next major event is The Queens Diamond Jubilee Beacon lighting ceremony.
There is a long unbroken tradition by the British to celebrate Royal Jubilees and Coronations with lighting of Beacons. This Jubilee year, the aim was to light over 4000 Beacons on Monday 4th June 2012 throughout the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and other countries around the world. All Beacons would be lit between 10.00 pm and 10.30pm. Due to its Royal Connection, Treetops registered to take part in The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Beacons on Monday 4th June 2012. The event was co-sponsored by the British High Commission Nairobi. Location for lighting this Beacon was identified near Treetops in Aberdare National Park and would be lit at 10.00 pm in the night.
Other upcoming events that jubilee year included the coronation day on 6th June 2012 and Treetops 80th anniversary on 6th November 2012.
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